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Crowdfunding campaign to save Queen’s Park Families

Queen's Park Families

Queen’s Park Families is a free, community-led drop-in session for local families with young children (0-4 years) in north Westminster. Every Wednesday morning 40-50 children and their parents and carers meet for creative play, singing, informal chats and socialising over tea and cake. The project is led and managed by Creative Futures, with support from Paddington Development Trust’s Maternity Champions.

After successfully delivering this community-led initiative for nearly 3 years, the funding for Queen’s Park Families is coming to an end. We want to ensure this vital local project continues.

You can help! Please consider donating to our crowdfunding campaign by clicking here, which will enable us to carry on running Queen’s Park Families until early 2017.

In the meantime we are working hard to find other ways of covering the cost of running these free creative play sessions indefinitely, so that the community of Queen’s Park can continue to come together, sustaining peer support networks for the parents/carers and providing babies and toddlers with a safe, inspiring and social environment in which to learn and play.

Thank you for all your support and please share the cause over social media if you can - we have 30 days to reach the target!

* Update * We reached our crowdfunding target on 21 July 2016. Please see our Latest News section for more information.

Queen's Park Families crowdfunding

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