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Press & Media

Highlights from the Creative Futures Early Childhood Festival funded by the My Westminster Fund 

Children have their first experience of classical music

March 12, 2019

London Live


The Classical Crossover Soprano, Joanna Forest, has been at a Primary School in North West London – to offer budding musicians their first taste of Classical Music. Joanna performed songs from her upcoming album, The Rhythm of Life, which is released on the 22nd of March.

The visit was part of a Charity run scheme aimed at bringing classical music into the lives of the youngest Londoners.

Singer says classical music can soar again

March 11, 2019

Evening Standard


Soprano Joanna Forest has warned that classical music “risks crisis” unless it embraces more young people. On a visit to Wilberforce Primary School, in Queen’s Park, the singer said she wanted to help encourage diversity and that “all children” should have an opportunity to be musical.

She added: “I believe that for the [classical] genre to stay alive for years to come it must become more accepting of alternative classical artists that have not followed a traditional path and embrace more performers and young people wanting to get involved.”

Ms Forest, from Loughton, held the school workshop with London arts charity Creative Futures on Thursday, singing songs from her new album The Rhythm of Life.

Why an hour of song can help with hearing

December 25, 2017


Singing is such a powerful medicine that just an hour of song a week can quickly help children with hearing difficulties to hear much better. “It’s definitely effective. Some of the year groups I’ve worked with have seen a massive difference even after one term,” said Phoebe, of Creative Futures, a charity which works to help children's development through music and arts.

The benefits of singing

December 11, 2017

BBC Breakfast

Professor Graham Welch, Chair of Music Education discusses the benefits of singing, as well as the findings from research commissioned by charity Creative Futures into singing behaviour and development with hearing-impaired children at Laycock Primary School in London.

Natural Rhythm

August 06, 2017

Nursery World


How one setting is supporting children's innate musicality and communication development with the help of a visiting musician.

Singing can help people with hearing difficulties to hear better

July 27, 2017


A pilot study run by Creative Futures involving five to seven year olds has found that performing vocal exercises not only helped them to sing better – but improved their ability to pick out a melody by helping them to distinguish between different pitches. This is a key element of hearing.

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