Music for Change – one of Creative Futures’ flagship initiatives in support of children’s early learning and development through structured music provision – has completed its first 2 year phase. Through the delivery of more than 800 workshop sessions, 7 concert performances and numerous CPD sessions, led by 11 brilliant music leaders, we have reached more than 1,300 children during the two years. A research evaluation has been carried out by a team led by Professor Graham Welch and Professor Adam Ockelford.
We are delighted to report real change and positive impact on children, staff and settings involved, including above expected progress across all assessed areas of the Early Years Foundation Stage.
Creative Futures is committed to sharing the findings of its work, and hopes that others in the arts and education fields will draw on our findings in this project, helping us all work together to strengthen the Early Years sector, and advocate for the central position which the arts and music should form for every pre-school child.
Download the Music for Change report