Hopes and Futures

During the summer term, Creative Futures delivered a spoken-word project to students in year six at Vaughan Primary School.
Spoken word artists Nikita and Kenji, taught students how to compose and perform two spoken word poems.
The initial inspiration came from Skittles sweets! Students collaborated to produce a collective poem to celebrate diversity in Harrow by using the prompt 'in the streets of Harrow, I can ...'. Using their five senses students explored what they could see, hear, feel, taste and smell in Harrow. The children were then asked to reflect on their favourite moments in primary school and to express their sentiments about the transition to secondary school.
By navigating their hopes, worries, dreams and wishes for the next chapter ahead, year 6 students delved into their imagination to share their stories.
We are proud to present their work in this anthology, which we hope they will carry with them into their bright future.

Click on the Hopes and Futures Anthology to view the PDF here.

Click here to listen to one of the groups reciting their diversity poem.
With special thanks to the Young Harrow Foundation for their generous grant.